Guide to LinkedIn for Lawyers

Best tips for law professionals on how to engage your audience, build authentic connections, attract new recruits and grow your business.

Watch webinar – Part I

In this webinar, we were joined by guest speakers Sahar Farooqi, Barrister & Partner at DAC Beachcroft and Stuart Kaye, Director at Adams Kaye as well as Yvonne Boateng, a LinkedIn consultant and social media expert.

Topics covered:

– How to use LinkedIn to stand out and attract new clients, employees and followers
– Helpful tips on how to optimise your profile
– What type of content is the best to be sharing
– What types of activities on the platform can generate new business

This session was a practical guide perfect for those in law to better understand how to use LinkedIn and some actionable steps you can take today to bring your profiles to life.

Watch webinar

Watch webinar – Part II

In this webinar, we were joined again by guest speakers Sahar Farooqi, Barrister & Partner at DAC Beachcroft and Stuart Kaye, Director at Adams Kaye

This second session covered the best ways to increase post engagement, build up connections and create authentic interactions on LinkedIn. We’ll also provide real-life examples of how LinkedIn can generate new business for lawyers.

Watch webinar

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